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Links in Email Marketing are replaced with link.ashx

Adrian Ursu

Hi Guys,

I am trying to set up a an Email MArketing camppaign and I have some trouble inserting a link in the template>

Here is the link I am trying to insert:{{Email:User.UserName}}&PwToken={{Email:User.LoginToken}}

And here is what results after sending:


Any suggestions?

I am using and the page I am trying to send is based on an Page ItemType (not sure it matters)







Adrian Ursu

I believe I have figured out the cause but not the solution.

There is a dropdown field for Domain. Mine is empty.

I don't know how to populate it and did not find any info in the manual

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

It is the domains registered in website properties


Votes for this answer: 1
Adrian Ursu

I thought they should be. But the fact is that I have 3 domains defined in Web Properties, one of them primary.

None of them show in the select box.

I tried upgrading to without any luck. And now the application keeps restarting

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

The site is not live yet?

Try adding the hostnames to hostheaders in IIS.

Adrian Ursu

It is live:

The hostnames are added in the hostheader in IIS

Lise T. Pedersen

I have the same problem with the newer versions of Email Marketing - no domains shows up in the select box - has rapported it to the support, but hasn't got an answer yet.
And this site is live. Could it be a general bug?


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Adrian (and Lise)

Just logged into the solution - and if you go to MC, Web + http, hostheaders, nothing shows up.

So either they are not on the website in IIS or Dynamicweb has a problem reading the metabase, permissions maybe.

Server is 2012 or 2008?

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Adrian Ursu

Oh. That's a new one.

I'll set up impersonation and see if there anything changed.

But this has to be documented somewhere in relation to Email Marketing.

I've spent half a day trying to solve the mistery.


Adrian Ursu

I could not manage to make it read the metabase. IIS is 2008.

Can you point me in the right direction?




Adrian Ursu

I have found some instructions in an older post of yours on the metabase subject. I have installed IIS6 metabase compatibility but without any luck in solving my issue.
The way I see it, it a pretty complex setup just for defining the domain for an email campaign. is there any way to set it up manually?

Adrian Ursu
This post has been marked as an answer

It seems to work now.

This means that installing the IIS6 metabase compatibility did the trick.

I will select your answer as correct maybe someone else will find is useful as well.


Thanks a lot,


Votes for this answer: 1
Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Adrian

Yes - and also Dynamicweb should be able to read hostheaders without that installed.

Will look into it and add it to the backlog.

Glad you figured it out and sorry for the inconvenience.

BR Nicolai


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