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Chinese version of website - any issues?

Martin Nielsen

Hi guys,

I got a request from a client about adding a new language to their site, chinese. I've seen Dynamicweb sites run chinese but i'm unsure if every aspect of Dynamicweb supports it, or if there are any blackholes that should be aware of.

Specifically i think about "special" things like:

- Productcategoryfield labels and list options labels.
- Productfields
- News V2 categories
- Words in Translate module

Generally speaking, does the entire Dynamicweb backend and frontend support chinese :-)

// Martin



Nicolai Høeg Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Martin

Dynamicweb is UTF-8 all the way through and you can therefore use Chinese all over, including the areas that you mention. Just made a quick little test

We do see from time to time issues with some regional settings - we had a problem with Turkis dateformats some years ago. But we will of course fix the issues if you encounter them.

You mention News V2 - I suppose you mean items? :-).

So the answer to your question is yes.


Votes for this answer: 1
Martin Nielsen

Thanks Nicolai,

If the site was build from scratch today, it would probably be News as items, but sadly we didn't have items back in 2007 :-)


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