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embed ckeditor

Adrian Ursu

Hi Guys, 

Anyone found a solution for embedding content into the editor?

We are using the basic config since we want to restrict some functionalities for the admin, and we have a lot of trouble inserting enbed code (like videos for example).




Mikkel Ricky

You have to check out the Allowed Content section in the CKEditor documentation.

However, you should really consider not adding embed code in rich text fields, but have separate item fields for embedding content. See for an example (the template: Video.cshtml)

Best regards,

Adrian Ursu

I am not a big fan of embedding content but in some cases there has to be inline embedded content.

I have found several plugins for ck editor but could not manage to make them work. Also, I don't know what version of CK editor do we use in DW

Mikkel Ricky

Dynamicweb currently uses CKEditor 4.3.3 (open /Admin/Editor/ckeditor/ckeditor/ckeditor.js and search for "version:" to see the version used on a solution).

Best regards,

Adrian Ursu

Thanks a lot Mikkel.
Now it makes sens why the plugin does not work :)

I'll look for a solution.


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