Posted on 04/06/2014 18:25:47
i am already using "E-mail notification" in paragraph settings for cartv2 ".
These notification are not always send. There is one email template configured to be sent to the shop owner.
For example we are using a custom payment provider which already gives feedback on the order status before the customer returns to the final cartv2 step.
I guess because the order is not on the default state in this scenario.
Somehow the email notification is not sent in this case. (The customer does receive his emails which are set on the Order flow statusses.)
That is why i am looking into the shop email notifications. This is not supported anymore? i am curious how this is intended to work and if it wil be more reliable than the email notification of cartv2 final step.
The orderflow email notification can only be send to the customer. Right?
If i could configure it to be sent to the shop owner as wel that would be great.