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Forum » CMS - Standard features » A hopeless situation with forms (Edit- not so hopeless after all)

A hopeless situation with forms (Edit- not so hopeless after all)

Martin Nielsen

Hi guys,

I just got off the phone with the support, and they refered me here :-)

I have a big solution that runs 15+ websites for danish dentists, each of these sites have the own domains and e-mail addreses.

My issue is that no matter on what site i fill out and send a form (via the forms module), the sender address is the same, it's taken from the Solutions settings, and this gives massive problems with e-mails getting blocked by spamfilters.

How can i have a specific sender addres for each of my sites, without setting "Get from e-mail field", which isn't what i want?


The support suggested using Items, but is it ready yet, and would i miss out on the most important feature, log to file?


// Martin



Lars Britz

Hi Martin,

I might have misunderstood your problem, but why dont you simply fill out the "sender-address" on each of the forms on the sites? You can choose to set it manually or make it select the email-address that the user fills out (which you do not want). This should result in your forms beeing sent with the sender that you typed in. If it still chooses the email from the solution-settings, it might be a bug.

However, I recommend using the Forms (for datalists) instead, as this also logs the form-input in the database.


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