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Import Content using Data Integration

Adrian Ursu

Hi Guys,

Is it possible to import content using Data integration? Like pages and paragraphs?

Maybe first export the website, translate it and import it back in DW?




Thomas Schroll

Hi Adrian

If you only need to translate an existing dw site you can export all content to an xml file in Modules/Websites/Export.

Regards Thomas

Adrian Ursu

Thanks Thomas,

Indeed it is a language layer. i have found the export option but I cannot find anything on the import side.

Should I use Data Integration? Is there any other method?



P.S. Is there any risk of breaking something?


EDIT: Now I see there is also an import option on that module

Thomas Schroll

You need to first copy a language layer, export the new language layer, translate it (without changing id's in the xml). Then you can import it (button below the export button). As long as you keep the structure and the id's you should be fine. I've done it a couple of times without any hassle. The exported xml is meant to be run through a translation program (used by translation agencies), which means it isn't easy to translate by hand.

Regards Thomas

Morten Bengtson

"Is there any risk of breaking something"... Yes, make sure you create a backup of the database before import :)

And as it reads in the manual... "Exported xml can ONLY be imported to the same solution and website it was exported from".

You can actually import the XML to a different site, but it will most likely break the site and cause weird errors... been there, done that :/

Adrian Ursu

Thank you guys.

Any idea about that translation program? How is it called?



Thomas Schroll

SDL Trados ( is probably the most widely used.

Regards Thomas

Adrian Ursu

Thanks a lot


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