Hi Guys,
I need to replicate something similar with the behavior of news module.
I have a list of items for Speaker at a series of conferences.
I have also defined a Conference ItemType and I select Speakers to these conferences.
Because I want to re-use the speakers, I need to have details pages for the speaker near the structure of the conference (like Conference/speaker-name instead of General-page/Speaker-name).
This behavior is very similar with the way News modules wored. You could define news articles and list them with the news module wherever needed.
I am trying to accomplish the same thing using ItemPublisher.
I am trying to set up a general page where I could list the Speaker details based on the ID, and add the ItemPublisher in that page. The problem is that the SmartSearch of the ItemPublisher does not allow any rule based on ItemID.
Is there any other way I can get this bevahior? Or extend the SmartSearch of the ItemTypes?