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Clean op database with Solution Report, should it work?

Martijn Bokhove


Just installed the default empty database with DW version

With the configuration of the settings, I also tried to clean up the existing data in the database.
If I try it in my own language (Dutch), it keeps running forever saying to wait a couple of minuts.
If I try it in English, the popup shows very short, after that nothing has happend.

Why doesn't it clean up?




Jeppe Eriksson Agger Dynamicweb Employee
Jeppe Eriksson Agger

Hi Martijn,

The clean up does not affect content, only statistics data and logs. So if you're trying to "reset" the database to a completely empty state, this is not possible using the clean up feature under Solution Report.

That said, I do not know why the process doesn't conclude successfully with Dutch. Can you use the Sql Profiler to see if the database is even being touched?

- Jeppe

Imar Spaanjaars Dynamicweb Employee
Imar Spaanjaars

Could it be a date issue where day and month are reversed? What happens when you try a date that is valid in both notations? E.g. with a day less than or equal to 12?


Jeppe Eriksson Agger Dynamicweb Employee
Jeppe Eriksson Agger

I don't think that's the case. We use the same date format there as the rest of the system; so unless dates are a problem in general, it shouldn't be a problem here either.

Martijn Bokhove

Hi Jeppe, Imar

If I don't change the date, it keeps loading forever.
If I change the date, it's ready real fast, without any visible result.

When 8.4.1 is out, I will try it again and also try to use the Sql Profiler.

I'll let you know if there are new findings.
Thanks for your replies.



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