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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Selecting the Item Type Id is not an option

Selecting the Item Type Id is not an option

Kevin O''Driscoll

We have an Item Type for Ski Resort and we have an Item Type for Resort Hotel
In this we want to select the Resort the hotel is in. We add a Field Hotel Resort in Resort Hotel and type: DropdownList > Source Type:  Item Type

We select Ski Resort as the Item Type, Resort Name as the Label and we want the Id as the value.
In the field selector we dont see Id as a field option. When we select Resort Name we get an error - must select Id - but its not an option...

Does anyone have this experience? Or something Im doing wrong?


Mikkel Ricky

You're not doing anything wrong – currently you cannot use the item id as the value in dropdown lists.

However, in Dynamicweb 8.4.1 (to be released tomorrow, 29 April 2014) it will be possible to use the item id as the value. This release also contains a number of other item related improvements and you should consider upgrading as soon as possible. 

The "must select Id" error is caused by you not specifying anything under "Select items from" where you have to specify either a website or a page (see

Best regards,


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