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Custom location for page templates

Ilja Alaoja

When selecting layout, I'd like to have the option to choose or define a custom folder where the templates available for this page reside. E.g. if I have a page named "Email" I might want to select only between templates residing in the corresponding folder. Is this possible to do currently i Dynamicweb? If not, is there a possibility to add this behaviour in future releases?


Imar Spaanjaars Dynamicweb Employee
Imar Spaanjaars

If inside your Designs folder you create a folder named after the layout file and then create a sub folder called Paragraph, Dynamicweb will limit the list of paragraph templates to those in that folder. Same goes for module specific templates (e.g. you can create a folder called Ecom to have layout-specific ecom templates).

Hope this helps,



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