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Using Sendgrid globally on a solution

Jacob Bertelsen

Hi DW,

I have been wondering:

Since the delivery providers appear under "Email Marketing" in the MC (, I assume that the Sendgrid-functionality only applies for sending newsletters through .

Any thoughts on making this setting apply for the whole solution, so that for instance eCom receipts, contact forms, and other mails from within DW, also can be sent through Sendgrid?


Kind regards

Jacob Bertelsen


Jacob Bertelsen

For other people finding this post, and wondering about SPF records and sendgrid - find the answer here:

Asger Munkholm Højfeldt

Hi Jacob,

As default it's only the Email Marketing that uses SendGrid - but you can do one of the following:

  • Setup the server to send out via SendGrid
  • Setup the Dynamicweb solution to use SendGrid (management center --> system --> system setup --> mailserver)

Hope this will do?


Jacob Bertelsen

Hi Asger,

Thanks for the reply :)

Does this mean, that I don't have to use the delivery providers in MC->Online Marketing->Email Marketing->Delivery Providers, if I set up Sendgrid here:

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Jacob

If you set the solution up to use sendgrid, email marketing will use that by default. So yes to your question.


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