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Forum » CMS - Standard features » RE: Page keeps caching old PageID

RE: Page keeps caching old PageID

Dmitrij Jazel

Hej guys,

I have a question here, I recently was working on a website, and at the same time client was moving some pages back and forward, there was some pages that did redirrect. And as a result, not sure how but old page name got "reserved". We created new page, in the same place where old one used to be, and the name is the same, ID is new.

When in menu we are hovering over the link, it shows all correct. But if you actually click it, than it reddirects to old ID URL. and because it asks old ID that no longer exists, I get http 404.

I feel that when we did the page movement, something happened between actual page we reddirected to and new page.

As long as I give new page a name of old page. it assumes it is an old page.

Made sure no caching would cause something like this.


Hard to explain, even harder to reproduce, but that is one annoying issue. I think I can fix it, if I find where all the "reddirect" records are beying saved. Anyone has any info where I can find those?





Kristian Kirkholt

Hi Dimitrij


This sound like some Caching issue.. Did you resolve the problem already by deleting and recreating the pages.


Kind Regards

Kristian Kirkholt


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