Hi. Wer using the forms (DW7 edition) module on a site. Our question is, if its possible to get a datetime on the submit of the form, without the user actually seeing it, so we can sort by creation / submit date?
best regards.
Hi. Wer using the forms (DW7 edition) module on a site. Our question is, if its possible to get a datetime on the submit of the form, without the user actually seeing it, so we can sort by creation / submit date?
best regards.
What you can try is to insert a "getdate()" as standard value for a datefield in the forms field setup. I think that will work.
Best Regards
Morten Fink Buchhave
Hi Jonas,
If this doesn't work, create you date field as a hidden field in the module, then in your forms template semi-hardcode the value of the hidden field to <!--@Global:Server.Date.Sortable-->
This will not give you the exact date and time when the user click submit, but the time when the forms page is loaded.
To be specific you will get a date/time formatted something like this: 2011-06-20T12:28:05
If you would like a more readable format... I would create another field to hold the readable date...
Example: <input id="<!--@Form.Fields.Creation_DateTime_Sortable.Systemname-->" type="hidden" value="<!--@Global:Server.Date.Sortable-->" name="<!--@Form.Fields.Creation_DateTime_Sortable.Systemname-->"> <input id="<!--@Form.Fields.Creation_DateTime_Readable.Systemname-->" type="hidden" value="<!--@Global:Server.Date.LongDate--> - <!--@Global:Server.Date.ShortTime-->" name="<!--@Form.Fields.Creation_DateTime_Readable.Systemname-->">
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