Have someone using this Multiple stock?
I tried create but in the FrontEnd is not show one loop or the diferent Stocks...
Someone have tried, or have some example.
Have someone using this Multiple stock?
I tried create but in the FrontEnd is not show one loop or the diferent Stocks...
Someone have tried, or have some example.
I found this just in product detail...
In Management center - Ecommerce - Product Catalog - Stock locations it is possible to create multible stock locations that can be used in the new Stock matrix that is placed in product edit under Stock (from 8.4).
In stock for the product you can create multible rows with different stock states and with different units. For each row you can set an amount, volume and weight.
I have attached my test template code for stocks. I hope that you can use it.
I also attached how it looks in my frontend and backend.
Notice that the stock location can be localized and only localized stock locations and units are rendered in frontend. Check that the stock and units are localized to the language that you use in frontend.
Kind regards,
Hi Merethe,
Thanks for your reply.
I tested that, but we need in the product list... I found that just in product detail...
I mean, should be possible to have one specific product with two stocks (each one can be one city)... one with zero stock and another with 10... than I don't want show the product when the especific city has zero stock.
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