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Internet explorer FCEditor

Jonas Mersholm

Hi DW team,

after updating two different solutions, both of them lack the ability to display the FCEditor in the admin area (And frontend area) 

Is this a known bug? If so, is there any fixes?


best regards



Oleg Rodionov

Hi Jonas,

Could you pls specify the conditions:

1. Upgrated/New DW version;

2. SQL or Access db used;

3. Browser used.

BR, OLeg

Oleg Rodionov

Actually, we have #13936 (Providerbased editors not working in IE11 on Windows 8.1 and IE10) already implemented on DW841 - new (4.3.1) version of CKE Editor is now used.

BR, Oleg

Oleg Rodionov

Wow, sorry, the feature was implemented in DW84 already relased surely.

BR, Oleg 


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