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Extranet/Intranet (Extended) - search users.

Mikkel Toustrup Olsen


I am having some issues when trying to retrieve search results from the Extranet/Intranet (Extended) module (search) functionality. I want to show the results on a specific page. By that I mean I have implemented the search form on one page, and want to show the results on another - just like the regular search module.  I have tried to set the form to post to the specific page ID, however I am not able to retrive the search results.. Am I missing something? - I reckon I shouldnt implement the module twice (1 where the search form is located, 2 on the page which should show the results)


EDITED: I figured it out. Posted the form element(from the page the user searches) to my resultspage which contains the module along with its result template. List of users, groups etc..

Best Regards,



Nicolai Høeg Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Mikkel

Setup one page with searching that also shows the results. Then take the form from that page and put it to the page on which you want the search box to appear.



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