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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Image handler
Thomas Schroll


When using the image handler in dw (Admin/Public/GetImage.aspx) it seems like it scales width and then crops height if crop=0 (center). Is it possible to scale height and then crop width and still have crop=0?

Regards Thomas


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Thomas

You can see the options in the manual:

If it is not there, you cannot do it...

You write Getimage.aspx - you should use Getimage.ashx if you have a version that that contains that one. MUCH faster.

Thomas Schroll

Thanks Nicolai

I have changed to ashx.

Actually the help file says that the image handler crops the image on all sides, when in reality it crops only height.

Regards Thomas

Rasmus Pedersen

It seems the quality setting has no effect, my files end up in the same quality, same size.

Both if I change the setting in the management center, or if I add it as a parameter to my querystring.

Also, I'd like to request a "biggest dimension" crop. So if I have images that are either too wide, or too tall I can get them all in the same resolution without killing the aspect ratio.

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen
Jonas Mersholm

Since wer at the GetImage handler, you may be able to help me out a little.

how do i make the handler upscale images? Iv'e tried DoNotUpscale=False  as opposed to DoNotUpscale=True ( which denies upscaling ) , but it does not do as expected.


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