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Forum » Development » How to create options for itemfield of type dropdownListEditor

How to create options for itemfield of type dropdownListEditor

Lars Larsen


I have been struggling with creating options for an itemfield of type dropdownlisteditor through the API (Code First). I have created the item "ItemEntry1" with just one field (Categories) of type dropdownlisteditor:

public class ItemEntry1 : ItemEntry
    [Field("Categories", typeof(DropdownListEditor<>))]
    public IList<string> Categories { get; set; }


The options in the dropdownlisteditor would I like to create by code too. But how is that done? Does anyone have an example of how to do this?





Lars Larsen


can't someone help?





Merethe Nielsen


Sorry for the delayed reply.

I have contacted a developer that will check this through the API. I'll return tomorrow with an answer from him.

Kind regards,









Lars Larsen

Thanks Merethe, I will look forward to that :-)

Merethe Nielsen
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Lars,

I have bad news. The developer found out that you can´t add options through the API (code first approach) as it is now. 

I have created a feature request (TFS 13797) for this, but I can´t give you a time for when it´s implemented. It has to be prioritized by our product manager first.

Kind regards,






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