Consider the following structute
- Group A
- Group A1
- Group A2
- Group B
- Group B1
- Group B2
We have been working/testing the new "Include Subgroups" checkbox. It works fine if you just add Group A and Group B to a paragraph, but if you want the product list to always reflect/include subgroups, it does not work.
For example, if we have 3 levels, we should be able to list the products of all three levels, even when I am on a group page. The problem is that when I get into a group page (/Default.aspx?GroupID=0), the include subgroups checkbox has no effect.
This is a bigger problem when having eCom Groups as menu. A client of ours want to load products only on 2nd level groups for strucuture reasons, so we cannot use eCom Groups as menu. We have to use pages to "mask" the 1st level of groups and only them apply the paragraphs
Tested on