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Forum » Feature requests » Changes to Voucher logic

Changes to Voucher logic

Martin Nielsen

Hi DW,

I've been trying to implement vouchers in Dynamicweb, but i have a problem with the way i have to implement it when i have Single-use vouchers and multi-use voucher in the same shop.

My problem is that Single-use vouchers use the field "EcomOrderVoucherCode", but if i have a vouchercode like "SUMMER13" that can be used multiple times, then this code cannot be entered in the same field.

My Single-use vouchers is created as a discount of type "Ordrefelt rabat unik rabatkode" and my multi-use voucher is created as an "Ordrefeltsrabat".
Single-use vouchers are hardwired for the field "EcomOrderVoucherCode" and a multi-use voucher cannot use the same field.

This limitation means that i need to have 2 separate input fields to support different types of vouchers, and this is hard to explain to customers, and generally bad usability.

My feature request here is that i would like to be able to use the same field for all vouchertypes, and that we can add multiple vouchers to the same order.

An example could be that i recieve a voucher(Unique) for 100 DKK because the shop messed up my order last time, and then i also recieved a 100 DKK voucher(Unique) from their newsletter.
I should be able to add both of these voucher to my order via the same field, and ofcourse i should be able to remove them from the order if i regret.

To prevent misuse i should be possible to tell wether voucher from the same "Unique voucher list" can be combined.

Also it would be great with som error handling, so i can give some feedback to my customers when they added vouchers.
Feedback should include these scenarios:

- Voucher is invalid, nonexisting
- Voucher is expired,
- Voucher added, congratulations!
- Voucher already added
- Voucher cannot be combined with xxxx

If some of this is already possible, please let me know, and provide a link to a working implementation :-)


// Martin


Jesper Holm Damgaard

+ 1

Nuno Aguiar


Martin Nielsen

Nice to see i'm not the only one who'd like to see improvements to this :-)

Martin Nielsen

One year later - What's going on with this?

Will we ever see inprovements on how we implmenet vouchers?

Asger Munkholm Højfeldt

Hi Martin,

You can use one field from 8.5 - please read the release notes regarding validataion. We have not added additional validation. 


Martin Nielsen

Hi Asger,

Great, totally slipped my mind.

Any reason why you did not include validation in the new implementetion.

As i understand it, we basically cannot use validation if our shop uses both voucher types, because the multi-use voucher will always fail, and since we cannot check what type of voucher the user entered we cannot create a consistent implementation of error management.

Did i misunderstand something here?

// Martin