Hi DW,
I've been trying to implement vouchers in Dynamicweb, but i have a problem with the way i have to implement it when i have Single-use vouchers and multi-use voucher in the same shop.
My problem is that Single-use vouchers use the field "EcomOrderVoucherCode", but if i have a vouchercode like "SUMMER13" that can be used multiple times, then this code cannot be entered in the same field.
My Single-use vouchers is created as a discount of type "Ordrefelt rabat unik rabatkode" and my multi-use voucher is created as an "Ordrefeltsrabat".
Single-use vouchers are hardwired for the field "EcomOrderVoucherCode" and a multi-use voucher cannot use the same field.
This limitation means that i need to have 2 separate input fields to support different types of vouchers, and this is hard to explain to customers, and generally bad usability.
My feature request here is that i would like to be able to use the same field for all vouchertypes, and that we can add multiple vouchers to the same order.
An example could be that i recieve a voucher(Unique) for 100 DKK because the shop messed up my order last time, and then i also recieved a 100 DKK voucher(Unique) from their newsletter.
I should be able to add both of these voucher to my order via the same field, and ofcourse i should be able to remove them from the order if i regret.
To prevent misuse i should be possible to tell wether voucher from the same "Unique voucher list" can be combined.
Also it would be great with som error handling, so i can give some feedback to my customers when they added vouchers.
Feedback should include these scenarios:
- Voucher is invalid, nonexisting
- Voucher is expired,
- Voucher added, congratulations!
- Voucher already added
- Voucher cannot be combined with xxxx
If some of this is already possible, please let me know, and provide a link to a working implementation :-)
// Martin