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Forum » Feature requests » Newsletter V3 sending newsitems

Newsletter V3 sending newsitems

Richard Adams

In Newsletter V3 sending of a newsletter containg newsitems works well.

One of my customers wants to ba able to change the order of the items without re-ordering the items on the news-pages in the site.

I've tried to add the news items in different orders, but they sort themselves accoring to the news date.

My wish is a function to customize the order of the news items. If the order the items at selected could be the order they are rendered into the newsletter, this would be just perfect (and easy to use for the customer)


All the best,









Asger Munkholm Højfeldt

Hi Richard,

Thanks for your post - we have decided not to make changes to the existing functionality as we encourage you to use Email Marketing and Items instead. 

//Asger - Product Manager