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Forum » Development » CAPTCHA server control issue

CAPTCHA server control issue

Dmitrij Jazel

Hi everyone,

I have a situation here, I am trying to use this CAPTCHA here:

How I wanted to included it:

1) I made a user control that includes this server control.

2) Added CAPTCHA dll and user control to bin folder.

3) Added needed change to web.config:

... other handlers ...
<add name="MSCaptcha.captchaImageHandler" verb="GET" path="CaptchaImage.axd" type="MSCaptcha.captchaImageHandler, MSCaptcha" resourceType="Unspecified" />


I managed to get it up and running on my Localhost through the same user control I created

The same user control I am trying to use on DW site via "@LoadControl()"

As a result, this CAPTCHA is generated, and form works, but image is not shown.


Some help would be greatly appreciated :-)


















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