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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Items – Important Notes for Dynamicweb 8.3.1

Items – Important Notes for Dynamicweb 8.3.1

Mikkel Ricky

We've made some changes in how Items restrictions work in Dynamicweb 8.3.1. These changes make it much easier to control which items can be created in a given place in the page tree.


Please read Important Notes for Dynamicweb 8.3.1 before upgrading and make the necessary changes after upgrading.


Feel free to ask any questions you may have.


Best regards,





Mikkel Toustrup Olsen

Hey Mikkel and thanks for the great course back in November 2013 - bit offtopic, but anyway..

Besides setting the restrictions/settings for an item type to be created under a page/paragraph etc. are there more options to set, before the item type is visible in my backend when creating new pages/paragraphs?.

I have created an item type which is restricted to paragraphs only, but it does not appear when I create a new paragraph on any page. I can find it via the Item Publisher Module, but can't seem to create the seperate items on the paragraphs afterwards.. Am I missing something?

Happy New Year,



 Well it was in doc you just released, doh.. Sorry :-) 






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