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Page shortcut show in new window?

Remi Muller

Is it possible to specify that a shortcut should be shown in a new window or tab?

It quite a logical feature for the enduser. It looks like there is no way of specifying the link target for a page shortcut. I hope i am wrong.


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Remi


You cannot specify to open in a new window. You could back in 2002 actually.


The only workaround I can think of, is to do a condiational in your XSLT that if you have a shortcut that is to an external ressource, i.e. starting with http, you set a target to _blank.


BR Nicolai



Votes for this answer: 1
Remi Muller

Can this be made a feature request?

I would prefer user control. For some sites this might work but is not always the case.

David Matheson


At you will find two ways of opening links in a new window in Dynamicweb.One is a Javascript that looks for http(S):// in links, the other is an XSLT navigation template that adds _blank to the link if it starts with Http




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