I've got an question regarding how to do correct (or better) manual search with the search index.
Right now I just search with following code:
SearchQuery q = new SearchQuery();
q.Add(new Dynamicweb.Searching.Queries.Criterias.Criteria("sys_summary", searchText));
It works OK, but because the creation datetime (and more field) for a product is included in the sys_summary field in the Lucene index, converted as eg. P00000000235063. Because of this, it is possible to get wrong hits for a search for eg. productnumber 235063.
How do you DW developer do the searching . I would like to imitate the real thing, but I am not able to get the exact same resultset back. I have tried to add different criterias, but the result is not always the same as the default way.
Is there a way to get search results back in the same way as the default module searching programmatic?
- Allan