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Forum » Feature requests » Shipping fee on quantity

Shipping fee on quantity

Nikki Strømsnes

As it is today, you can charge a shipping fee if the order is heavy or large, but there's no obvious way to add a fee if the customer orders a large amount of products (12 in my specific case).


I thought I was clever by making two hidden shipping options, and checking the right one if the total product quantity exceeded 12, but that didn't do anything.


The only other solution I can think of, is to make sure every product weighs 1kg, and then add a fee if the total weight exceeds 12kg, but I don't like those kind of hacks.


It would be neat if it was possible to add a fee or discount, if the customer ordered a certain amount of items. 


Merethe Nielsen



How about using the Sales Discount module where you create an order quantity discount or product quantity discount with a negative discount (which is then added as a "fee" to the total price).


An example:

Attached discount setup.


Kind regards,


NegativeSalesDicountOrderQuantity.png NegativeSalesDicountProductQuantity.png