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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Using WebDav
Imar Spaanjaars Dynamicweb Employee
Imar Spaanjaars

Hi there,


I am trying to get WebDav to work, but run into lots of issues. The documentation is limited (close to non-existent) so I am not sure if I am doing something wrong.


1. First, I tried it on Windows 8. No matter the security settings (even disabled UAC and ran the site's application pool as an Admin), I keep getting errors when saving the changes to the IIS config files. Is it supposed to work on Win 8? (And if not, does it mean it won't work on Server 2012 either?)


2. On Server 2008 R2, I can successfully save the WebDav folder name using impersonation. However, accessing that folder then returns a generic (IIS) Error 500 without any indication of what failed.


3. Finally, there seems to be no way to undo WebDav. There's no delete button and when I try to save the settings (under Management Center | Web and HTTP | Web Dev) by leaving the field empty, I get a "Required" error message. How do I disable WebDav again?





Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hm, gets the same errors. Will have it investigated.




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