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(NewsV2) News items in certain categories don't get single item display page

Joakim Tønnesen

We use NewsV2 module to display news on our site.

All news items display fine in lists, but news items that are in certain categories (newly created ones) don't get an article display page. We get 404 error when we go to the URL for the news item (the URL itself seems fine, see below).


IE: We have the following news categories:

A: Financial News

B: Subsea News


Any news item that's in the Subsea News category will get a 404-error when we go to the single article page for the item. We've tried generating the link through both @News:Href and @News:TotalNewsLink. And the URL that is output seems fine either way. It has the same structure as the ones that do work.


Our site is in a closed environment, so I cannot link directly to the items in question. Below is some data from my testing.




News item with ID 175 is in category A, this item's link works:



News item with ID 174 is in category B, this item's link does not work:





The weird thing is that if I put a news item in both categories (A and B), it will work fine. Even when accessing the news item from the "bad" category's list.

So could this be a problem with the category itself, failing to create new article pages for items it contains? I've tried creating other categories, and all the new categories I create provide the same result.


Thanks in advance,

best regards,




Edit: The bug does not occur when I leave the 'Display as' field empty. It does not make sense to leave it empty for this particular news list, because the mark-up is not designed for that. For other news list we use: 'Default.aspx?ID=913#7199' in the 'Display as' field, and it works. It's just this particular news category and any new ones we create that can't display in this context.


Edit2: Created a new context, and directed the 'Display as' field to this context. Now it works. So it's all good. Don't know why the previous context didn't work for this particular news category but that is not an issue on this project. :)


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Joakim


On the page/paragraph you link to in your display as page ('Default.aspx?ID=913#7199'), is the category that gives a 404 published? Is it checked on the paragraph settings?


BR Nicolai

Votes for this answer: 1
Joakim Tønnesen

Hey Nicolai! Thanks for your reply.


Where do I check whether a category is published or not? As far as I can tell, it has all the same settings as the ones that do work.

In the paragraph settings it was not set, so that might be the problem actually. It did not have the other categories checked either, even though it did work for their posts.


Anyway I did solve this problem by showing the news item in a different context (also a better choice in this particular case). So I'm OK for now.



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