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Forms and MS Access databases

Richard Adams

I've been turning my head inside out trying to edit a MS Access-database with DW.

I set up both the queries and the forms as described in the documentation. I get the list of data correctly using the Datalist module ( ). The linking to the form comes out correct, and the data in the form is displayed correct. When I submit the form it seems as if the data has been sendt and saved correctly (I've set the paragraph to Confirmation: ).
Upon reading the database again, no data has been saved, allthough the confirmation page displayes the new data.

If I set up the form to redirect to another page, the redirect failes: (Paragraph setup) as a 404 error:

I have'nt been using MS access databases with DW before, so this is new to me. 

Can someone point me in the right direction, please?




Oleg Rodionov

Hi, Richard.


I've researched the issues, here are my explanations:

1. Since you use form from existing table, so ID field should not be defined at the form design (ID uses Access AutoNumber data type);

2. The error during redirecting is not reproduced on last DW versions, probably it has already been fixed successfully;

3. Optional: I see that  you use drop-down for 'klasse' field with related table. Since the table already has data at the field, so the source should be configured as follows: the both Key/Value fields should be set to 'navn'. 


BR, Oleg


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