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Forum » Feature requests » Create order on extranet user

Create order on extranet user

Peter Bille Larsen

Hi DWs


It would be useful if we can create an order on an extranet user.
If I go to the extranet module, I can edit and see previous orders for a customer, but we would also like to create a new order and set all possible settings (shop to use/payment method and so on).
Next we send the customer an invoice with standard order state change in the Ecom orders.

Could this be possible?




Asger Munkholm Højfeldt

Hi Peter,

We have specifications for that kind of feature (impersonate a user) in our system - we haven't added it to the pipeline but will consider it again soon. 

Thanks for the suggestion

//Asger - Product Manager

Peter Bille Larsen

Hi Asger


great :-) I have a client,  which would like this feature @August, just FYI.
