I am having this problem, which is actually or should be pretty basic.
In a eCommerce Module I select the top categorys "Jeans, Shorts", in the subcategory of Jeans there is "Blue, Green"
- And in here, i wan't to output the products that is Blue Jeans.
<!--@LoopStart(ProductGroups)--> <strong><!--@Ecom:Group.Name--></strong> <!--@LoopStart(Childgroups)--> <strong><!--@Ecom:Group.Name--></strong> <!--@LoopStart(Products)--> PRODUCTS TO LOOP <!--@LoopEnd(Products)--> <!--@LoopEnd(Childgroups)--> <!--@LoopEnd(ProductGroups)-->
I believe the code says itself, but what i wan't is my eCommerce structure to be my navigation in a megamenu.
How can i do this the best way, or any way for that matter?