Hi, I am trying to figure out a solution in order to solve a eCom feature request from a customer. But I don't quite see how it would be possible via standard features. Therefore I am making this feature request.
Status now:
When selecting related products for a given products, you select specific products, either manually or by import. There is a specific loop to represent this chosen related context for a given product in front end. So far so good. But the administration is rather tiresome when e.g. changes are to be made across a large number of products, say if a related product is sold out and this related product needs to be replaced by a new related product. Then you have to update the range of affected products either manually or by import again.
When assigning related products for a given product to use in the Related loop front end, it would be easier to to just select a given eCom group containing products, that are supposed to be related. That way, you can relate the same group of related products across many products. And if a related product is not active/available no more, then you just deactivate it in the group and add a new product to the related group. No need for updating the range of products, because the related products is pointed out as a certain group, and not specific productIDs.
I suspect there might be a way of using the standard Related Groups and an XSLT-template to create a loop front end. But then there would be a mix of the related groups with different purposes in the Related Groups. Some related groups on a product are used for navigation purposes and other groups are used for related produts presentation. And that would just be messy to handle.