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Websites full export

Remi Muller

DW 8.2
In the websites module there is an option to export a website.

Is see 2 options:
Full export
Translation export

I want to use full export but it is disabled. Why? Do i need  another module or configuration?


Morten Bengtson
This post has been marked as an answer

Thats weird, but if you go to details view by clicking on a website you can use the full export feature from there.


Votes for this answer: 1
Remi Muller

That does work. Thanks!

Remi Muller

What doesn't work is you can not import a full export into a new dw website.

I had a support case open that i could not import the full export. As it appears from the support case this is not supported by DW.

From the manual:


Through the Export function you have the opportunity to open or save an XML-file of the website on your computer.


The Import function enables you to create a website on your solution from an XML-file located in the File manager.

Note that the Import/Export functionality is strictly for translation. Exported xml can ONLY be imported to the same solution and website it was exported from

The documentation is lacking on the export side as it seems full export is possible now. That makes it extra confusing that it is not possible to import this into a new website.

I know copy website is possible but i wanted to copy some website pages into new dw installation. :(

Morten Bengtson

Hi Remi,


I had a similar support case some time ago, because of server errors on a site that had been imported. The note about it being strictly for translation was not in the manual back then. We had a long discussion about it and at the end Dynamicweb told me that they would try to fix this bug, but i guess they gave up on that and added a note in the manual instead.


If it was possible to use the import/export for exporting from one site and importing into another then it would actually be a useful feature. We could reuse complete or partial page structures and add new sites to existing solutions in a few minutes. Having to maually setup pages, paragraphs, modules etc. can take a lot of time.


Another thing is that the new items you can create on pages or paragraphs are not included in the import/export (only item type and id is included), so you are not even able to export items for translation and have them imported again. You could use Data Integration for import/export of items, but why does it have to be that complicated?


A new website import/export that works as expected would be nice ;-)


Note: I have posted a new feature request.

Morten Bengtson

The note about "strictly for translation" is only included in the english version of the manual. The danish version does not mention this at all.

Remi Muller

I did the same in paralel :)

see feature request:

Maybe some mod can merge it?


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