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Data Management Lists - Security

Nuno Aguiar



We have a client with Data Management Lists, and the problem is that the table Users and Module are very accessible to them.


Isn't there a way to block some columns or tables for security issues? For example, the userType and password, as well as all of the module table being that accessible is causing us some "embarrassment". I tried removing the Dynamicweb Database from the Connections, so they only accessed an external DB, creating the Form tables there as well, but with no luck.


Does anyone have a solution for this?




Morten Bengtson

I think your only option is to restrict access to both Forms and Data Lists module by setting up permissions (Modules > right click on module and select permissions) - deny access for "All". After that only Administrator and Admin users can access the modules.

Nuno Aguiar

Hi Morten,


That's what I figured but still not a good solution, because we are blocking access to the Forms module which I cannot do.


Even if I block access to the List module, I can create a form based on the AccessUser or Module table and "Save and Close". By simply clicking on the Form and "voilá"; I get a list of all the records :(




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