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Forum » Feature requests » Ecom product list - user controlled sorting

Ecom product list - user controlled sorting

Jens Jakob Kristensen

Hi all,


I am not sure whether or not this functionality is already doable, but I find it very useful on other shops, so I would like to report it as a feature request.


Frontend user functionality:

On a product list page with misc. filtering options, the user should be able to control the sorting of the filtered products. Like a dropdown menu at the top, where the user can select "Lowest price first/Highest price first" etc. Basically the same sorting options as are available for the administrator back-end right now. When adjusting the fintering again after having adjusted the sorting, the sorting should not have to be readjusted again. The user-adjusted sorting should not change when the user uses the filters agein.


The current possibilities:

It is possible now to manually adjust the sorting by adding something like this in the URL: SortBy=Price&SortOrder=ASC. But these parameters are lost when adjusting the filtering again.


So I am requesting DW to develope the functionality for user controlled sorting of product lists, based on the same parameters available back-end. The trick is to make the chosen sorting stick, so the system will "remember" this sorting option on this given page at this given session.


I hope this makes sense and you guys will take this into consideration, as it is a useful functionality and it is rather common across webshops worldwide.


Thank you in advance



Morten Bengtson

Do you mean something like the sorting implemented in dynamicwebs solution set templates?


Jens Jakob Kristensen

Yes, that kind of functionality. I wasn't aware of DW having implemented it on their SS. Thank you for the info :-)


I assume this functionality is custom made since I cannot see any way of tweaking this in the standard module settings or eCom settings in Man. Center.


Does anyone know if this requires a custom module or if it can be handled in a simpler way?


Although there might be some sort of an issue with the product data for PRODID=10016 when sorting by the lowest price. It is listed as second in the list :-)

Morten Bengtson

Everything you see on solution set is built with standard functionality. You can get a copy from the downloads section, set it up locally and have a closer look at how things are implemented. There is a lot of great template tricks in the solution set that you can steal and reuse on other sites :)

And yes, the price sorting is a bit weird. I think that it is because they sort on the default price, but display another price.