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Cookie handling

Kim Søjborg Pedersen

Is there anyone here who know where to find best practice tips regards "Cookie handling" in DW?


I got this answer from DW support. sorry it is on danish:


Det kommer i løbet af januar. Bliver et fuldt kontrol panel i backend der kan styre alle dw cookies. Derudover laver vi et par default templates til cookie warning i frontend.


Richard Adams

I can translate the answer for you:

"It will be raedy by the end of January. Cookie control will become an item in the control panel in the backend that will control all cookies. A couple of default cookie-warnings for the front end will allso be made".




Andrew Mannell

Hi great news, is there anything new on this?

Morten Bengtson

Cookie manager was released with Dynamicweb


Andrew Mannell

Hi Morten,

Thank you!




Rasmus Thirslund


when you look at the manager, there are two categories of cookies and its possible to place each cookie in a category.

The "normal" practice around the seems to be to have al least three (sometimes four) categories:


1) strictly nessecary cookies (these ensure basic website/shop functionality, and the user doen NOT have to consent to these, stille they have to be informed!)


2) functional or perfomance cookies (eg remembering the users login, also tracking the user for internal use/improvimg the userexperience)


3) targeting/marketing third party cookies, (Google analytics, adform, etc. the bad guys, these are the one that the cookie law is intended to protect the user from!)


Now, in the DW manager there are two levels. 


Does anyone know if this means that there are implemented a third hidden category (the nessecary ones) in the manager?

Meaning that there are a third type of cookie which is not possible to "switch off"?


Best Regards

Rasmus Thirslund

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Rasmus


Do you have some external links to this normal?


DW has only those 2 categories - no hidden ones. Based on some of the legislation that we've seen so far, i.e. the Dutch.


So only possibility for you is to extend the features to have the number of categories needed.


If we see something in the legislation that requires other categories, we will of course change our feature.


BR Nicolai

Rasmus Thirslund

Hi Nikolaj


I have been checkin out some english sites, a danish founded cookie-handler-script (not free), plus the DI "Danish Industry"'s own suggestions. 

The term "normal" in my post should not be taken so seriously as there does seem to be a general confussion about how to handle this "new" law :-) (in danish: DI's vejledning til cookiebekendtgørelsen) (example of a privay plicy text, that details the cookie used, with several categories) (same categories, not so many details). (many details on cookies used)


I think theres a interessting twist in the law, that you dont need the users consent for the "strictly nessecary" cookies, which makes quite good sense :-) and should have an impact on how we implement the cookie law. 


I am currently working on an updated privacy-text we wanna offer our customers, which shall coorespond to the way we implement/use the new cookie handler. I would actually like to ask you to review the section im working on about the DW-cookies, as I miss some information there...? Perhaps you can use it as a material for other partners...


I can send it through as an email if you're interested.


Best Regards




Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Ok, thanks for the input.


Anyone else has some input?


One solution could be to make the number of categories dynamic - so you can create whatever is needed.


BR Nicolai

Rasmus Thirslund

Hi again

I have a question. I've tried to add the Google Analytics cookie to the tracking category, and it looks fine in the backend, but when I test in the frontend, there seem to be missing something, as these cookies are still created on my client. 

Does it mean that the handler isn't handling 3rd party cookies or how is the intention... 


Best regards



Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Rasmus


Yes, of course we cannot handle cookies that Google sents out. That would be cool though :-).


So what you would do, is in your template make a test to see if that cookie has been accepted, and if not, do not use Google tracking.


I see no other way.


BR Nicolai

Rasmus Thirslund

Thank you. 

Thats excellent, just needed confirmation on that. 

Its a great feature and we're working on implementing it real soon :-)



Per Søgaard

The website owner needs a tool for handling both Dynamicweb cookies and cookies from Google Analytics, Youtube and a lot of other things he/we use on the website.

If a user says no to cookies it is no to all cookies and not just DW cookies.

One option could be to have a "if cookie consent defined thing" we could use in the templates when inserting code that generates cookies like Google analytics.

The latest info from Erhvervsstyrelsen states that no cookies must be set before consent and also that consent should be able to be withdrawn in an easy way.

Any good ideas and thoughts on this?


Mikkel Ricky

Take a look at the template tag Global:CookieOptInLevel [].


Per Søgaard

Thanks Mikkel


What about that cookies must not be set before consent has been given.

Are system cookies set before the user clicks OK?

And will this apply if I use the tag in an if on analytics code etc.?



Last also an easy way for the user to withdraw consent - how can this be done?


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