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Forum » Feature requests » Ecom Comments Spamfilter

Ecom Comments Spamfilter

Peter Bille Larsen


We have implemented the comments and rating options on the product card, but the client is receiving a huge amount of spam inserts.

Since there is no "moderation" option on the comment function a nice feature would be an integration to Akismet:

Or a moderation option.


Morten Bengtson

Yes, it would be great if Akismet or similar spam filtering could be activated (optional) - possibly provider based.


I think it would be best if the comments could be marked as either spam or ham and not just delete or skip saving the comment.


It should be possible to perform manual moderation to correct any false positives/negatives. Sometimes a spam comment will slip through or a comment will be marked as spam, when in fact it is not.


Until this is added as a standard feature (if ever), I guess we could use Akismet in a notification subscriber (OnAfterComment) to mark comment as spam/ham and then use another notification subscriber (OnBeforeRenderComments) to remove any spam comments from the list. This is not an optimal solution, but it would work.




Sten Hougaard


Could this perhaps be used?

Med venlig hilsen/Best regards,

Sten Hougaard

A: København/Aarhus . W:
@: netsi1964