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statistics error

HÃ¥kan Olsson


On two websites I get an error when trying to look at statistics in admin.

It looks like this:


Parser Error

Description: An error occurred during the parsing of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific parse error details and modify your source file appropriately.

Parser Error Message: The 'VirtualItemCount' property cannot be set declaratively.

Source Error:


Line 30:                                      <TBODY>

Line 31:                                             <tr >

Line 32:                                          <dw:PagingGridView id="rpt"

Line 33:                                       OnPageIndexChanging="rpt_PageIndexChanging"

Line 34:                                 VirtualItemCount="-1"

Source File: /Admin/Module/StatisticsV3/UCReportSummary.ascx    Line: 32



I have tried to remove the code in line 32 in UCReportSummary.ascx (VirtualItemCount="-1") and then statistics works.

I'm not a developer so I don't know what happens if I just remove that line of code... :)

Does anyone else have the same issue or know what I should do?


Ton Martens

Since yesterday, one of our customers experiences exactly the same


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