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Newsletter on design template

Jais Edelmann

Hey im trying to get signup for newsletter on default design page however i cant get it to accept category by default, can anyone point me in the right direction.
The form works fine but it doesent get the category add'd it just add it as a newsletter receipt with no category add'd i just took the snippet from the newsletter module's output more or less.


 <form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="/Default.aspx?ID=6&amp;Action=10&amp;PID=11" onsubmit="return Newsletter();">
                <input id="Category_265" name="Category_265" type="checkbox" checked/>
                <input type="hidden" name="IsPostBack" value="True" />
                <input name="AccessUserName" type="hidden" id="AccessUserName_11" value="test" maxlength="255" />
                <input id="AccessUserEmail" type="text" value="Indtast email og modtag nyhedsbreve" name="AccessUserEmail" onfocusout="NewsletterInput(this);" onfocus="NewsletterInput(this);" />
                <input type="submit" id="search_btn" value="Tilmeld " />



Jais Edelmann
/bump, sorry this should have been placed in templates.
Jais Edelmann
Martin Nielsen

AFAIK you cannot subscribe to a category that the mail signup module is not set to allow.



If you have 4 category with ID 1,2,3 and 4. and you select 1 and 2 as the categories this form can signup to.

Then you cannot signup for 3 and 4, even if you change you HTML, you need to change the Module settings as well.


// Martin





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