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Forum » Development » DW8 Database
Aki Ruuskanen



Im trying to upgrade an old solution to DW8. Is there any script to upgrade a SQL Server database?


Regards / Aki 


Jeppe Eriksson Agger Dynamicweb Employee
Jeppe Eriksson Agger

Hi Aki


In order to upgrade an old solution to DW8, you need to contact the ServiceDesk and they will help you.


- Jeppe

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Aki, Dynamicweb will update the database by itself when you apply the DW 8 application. If this fails, go to files/update.xml and change the number to i.e. 300, restart the website and run the website again.


You can see errors in Files/updatelog.aspx .


Make sure you have DDL permissions for the user on the database.

Aki Ruuskanen

 This solution is not hosted by Host Nordic.


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