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Related news in News v2 module (DW8)

Martin Nielsen

I'm having trouble understanding what i need to do to get related news to work.

I can't find anything on the news item where i can assign a related news item or a category. I can attach my news to multiple categories but that doesn't get related news item to show up.

What i've done so far is:

- Create 10 news items
- Attach all items to a news category
- Set up a News v2 module (paragraph module), with my category, and checked "Show related news"
- In my news template i inserted this code:
When i go to my news items in frontend i get nothing in the News:RelatedNews loop.

What else do i need to do?

// Martin


Martin Nielsen

Okay, so it seems the summer holidays have clouded my memory, since i asked pretty much the same question before.

I tried the suggestions that are mentioned here, but i still can't get it to work properly.

Is there more to it than the above?

David Matheson


I've read both threads.  
What you need to do is on each individual news item that you want to relate to other news items is to tag each of the news items with a metatag.  For instance, if the news relates to the company's finances, then add the metatag "Finance" to each of the news items.  You can use more than one tag for a news item - just make sure to separate them with commas.

Secondly, you need to activate related news in the module setup on the page the news articles are to appear.


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