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Forum » CMS - Standard features » DW8.1.0 SearchWeigthed, search in news not available.

DW8.1.0 SearchWeigthed, search in news not available.

Remi Muller
I'm using DW8.1.0. News module and search weighted are used. It is not possible to select 'Search in news' in the searchweigted paragraph. 
I verified the Module table to be sure if news is a searchable module (ModuleSearch=1).
This is a clean install of DW8.1.0.

Is this a bug or am i missing something?


Remi Muller
This post has been marked as an answer
 I can answer my own question.

I had to enable the news(v1) module and now it works. I have encountered this before but forgot the solution which reminds me of the following feature request.
It's a minor thing but on a clean installation you will go wrong with the search weighted module and news search.

Please consider this feature request:

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