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Get current Paragraph ID

Diogo Lino

How can I get the current paragraph ID in a custom module?



Morten Snedker
This post has been marked as an answer
Hi Diogo,

That depends on the context? If it is a paragraph module it's just

using Dynamicweb;
using Dynamicweb.Extensibility;

namespace myShit
    public class ContentModule1 : ContentModule
        public override string GetContent()
            int pID = this.ParagraphId;

            //TODO: Add code here
            return "ContentModule1: frontend output";

Regards /Snedker
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Diogo Lino

That's good for a ContentModule class.

The problem is when trying to get it from another class. There is a hard way by checking the paragraphs in the database and find a record where the ParagraphModuleSystemName is what I'm using and the ParagraphModuleSettings has the values I'm expecting. But it's not accurate.


Morten Bengtson
Hi Diogo,

What is this "another class"? You write that it is a custom module, but not a ContentModule... please explain :)

You could probably use a notification subscriber to get the current paragraph id - Dynamicweb.Notifications.Standard.Paragraph.OnBeforeRender
You can then store the paragraph id in Request.Items and then get it from there in another notification subscriber, a template extender etc.

Diogo Lino
In the ContentModule class I use several objects of diferent classes depending on the module properties to manage and return the content.

I can use the "this.ParagraphId" on the ContentModule class but in other classes where I already initialize them with the module properties and the pageView, I think the best solution is to initialize them also with the paragraphId as parameter or use notification subscribers as you say.

I though there could be a property on the pageView or other object that could help.



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