When I run Default.aspx?dbstat=true I get this:
But why is Dynamic.mdb outputted? Does it mean that the solution is running Access as a backend or is Dynamic.mdb just the the name of the SQL Server database?
Dynamic.mdb (Connection # 2)
GetConn (Dynamicweb.DLL) in :0
getDataReader (Dynamicweb.DLL) in :0
GetPagesBySql (Dynamicweb.DLL) in :0
LoadAreaPagesByPageID (Dynamicweb.DLL) in :0
GetPageById (Dynamicweb.DLL) in :0
CanEdit (Dynamicweb.DLL) in :0
CanEdit (Dynamicweb.DLL) in :0
CreateContent (Dynamicweb.DLL) in :0
getContent (Dynamicweb.DLL) in :0
SetPageTemplateValues (Dynamicweb.DLL) in :0
Output (Dynamicweb.DLL) in :0
ParseControls (Dynamicweb.DLL) in :0
Page_Load (Dynamicweb.Admin.DLL) in :0
ProcessRequest (App_Web_0wz9awje.dll) in :0