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Possible to edit a newsitem frontend

Rasmus Sørensen

I wonder if it is possible to edit a newsitem frontend.

You can create a newsitem frontend, but can you also edit that newsitem somehow?




Lars Britz

Hi Rasmus,

Yes you can do this. But only the news-items that you yourself have created.

To do so, you will need to set up a page. Add a new paragraph with the news-module attached and set it to Frontend-editing. You will then also need another paragraph. This should contain the news-module also, but will instead be showing the news items. You will then get the option "edit" on each news-item you have created.

Martin Christensen

Is this feature still supported? Information in the manual on this is hard to come by.

There is a tag called <!--@News:FrontendEdit-->. It doesn't feature in the template documentation, but it outputs something in news lists:

<div id="NewsAdminEdit_23" onmouseout="FrontendNews_Mouseout(this);" onmouseover="FrontendNews_Mouseover(this);_newsContext='newsv2';FrontendNewsGroupID='1';FrontendNewsGroupIDs='1';FrontendNewsCurrentID=23;">Edit</div>

The js functions called on mouseout/mouseover aren't present in any templates I've been able to get my hands on, so this obviously produces a javascript error.


Any information or idea on how to set this up? Maybe it's no longer possible?


KR Martin


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