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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Translate tag doesn't render in paragraph and page templates

Translate tag doesn't render in paragraph and page templates

Ton Martens

Is this a know issue of an older version ( of DW ?
Translate tags render perfectly on module templates (like ecom or news), but they fail to render on paragraph and page templates. So when viewing the source of the rendered page within browser, I see the tag, unparsed.

Any help is appreciated.



Grigoriy Nilov
Hi Ton,

Actually it is not an issue. The Translate tag is meant for templates. The template engine renders these tags based on the translations.xml file and the default value. Paragraph editor content is not run through the Template engine, it's only outputted. As result, Translate tags, which were included in paragraph editor, stay unparsed in the source of the rendered page. 
For more information about using of Translate tag you can have a look at the following link

Best regards,
Grigoriy Nilov
Ton Martens
 Hi Grigoriy,

Thanks for your reply. I'm not sure if you're right, since other tags (for instance, @DwTemplateTags) is rendered when put in a paragraph content.



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