Hi all,
We could use your input/advice. We are in the middle of construting a webshop with the new Search filters. We are having problems with the construction of a product catalogue setup that is SEO-friendly in terms of URLs for products. We want to avoid the option of multiple URLs for a product.
We can't figure out if it is possible to create a setup where 1 product will always be presented with the same URL.
E.g. something like:
The problem is that a product can be related to several groups, and so there is not a "master" group for a product. By "master group" I refer to a specific product-group relation stating that this particular product will always be presented as in relation to this specific group. Which will be indicated in the URL. So it wouldn'r matter on which page you click the product in the list, you would still end up with the same reference to the product.
We tried using unique pages for each level in the navigation, where each page has a unique Product catalogue attached to a paragraph. But obviously that creates a unique product URL for each page when you click the product in the list.
We also tried on page with a dynamic eCom navigation listing the product group hierarchy as navigation (3 levels). But when you click on a product in a list, the URL is still: www.domain.com/PageName/ProductName.aspx.
The hierachy of eCom groups are not listed in the URL for the product.
So to sum up: is it possible to set a specific group as a "master" group for a product, and thus forcing the same URL for the product presentation, indicating the eCom hierarchical group structure?
Thank you in advance ;-)
Developer forum
eCom SEO-friendly product URLs + Search filters
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