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Export and import of content

Kim Søjborg Pedersen
We need to send all content to a translater and then import it again when it is translated.

Is that possible?


Hi Kim!

I'm not sure, that understand you correctly, to translate all content of page, you may add google snippet to your webpages:
Translate Element   or  implement an AfterOutputObserver, something like:

    <Dynamicweb.Extensibility.Subscribe(Dynamicweb.Notifications.Standard.Page.AfterOutput)> _
    Public Class MyPageAfterOutputObserver
        Inherits Dynamicweb.Extensibility.NotificationSubscriber

        Public Overrides Sub OnNotify(ByVal notification As String, ByVal args As Dynamicweb.Extensibility.NotificationArgs)
            If args Is Nothing Then
            End If

            Dim afterOutputArgs As Dynamicweb.Notifications.Standard.Page.AfterOutputArgs = DirectCast(args, Dynamicweb.Notifications.Standard.Page.AfterOutputArgs)

            afterOutputArgs.template.Html = TranslateAllContent(afterOutputArgs.template.Output)
        End Sub

        Private Function TranslateAllContent(ByVal content As String)
        End Function

    End Class

Best regards,

Kim Søjborg Pedersen
It was not quite what I thought.

The customer will have translated all the content without giving access to the backend. The contents must be translated by a human translator and then imported into the solution again as a new language layer.

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Oh, sorry, I understand now.  There are two functions in websites module - full export of area and translation export.
So 1 step - you make copy of an area - and second step - make translation export.
You will get an xml with all site content, which you can translate and import back

Best regards,

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Kim Søjborg Pedersen
Anders Frey Birkmose

Hi Vladimir

In the backend there is no import button. How do I import the xml back into dynamicweb?

Best Regards



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