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Forum » Ecommerce - Standard features » 6523: Bug - Sales Discounts

6523: Bug - Sales Discounts

Michael Stigaard Sørensen

This is fixed in

6523: Bug
Title: Amount discount is only applied once even if quantity is doubled or tripled
Description: Previously amount discounts did not stack with quantity, this has been fixed

This fix result in another problem: I use the discount to apply a negative discount to selected groups, for example “Tickets”: If one or more tickets are bought, then a discount of "-12" is applied. I call this discount “Shipping fee” and the client will only pay 12 dkk no matter how many tickets there are sold.

Can you make an option, so we can select if the discount should be applied only once (the ‘old’ method) or if the discount should be applied multi times (the ‘new’ method)?



Kristian Kirkholt
Hi Michael

You have used the fault (bug 6523) to only apply discount once, but this is a bug in the system and has been corrected in version
If you really would like to use this option/fault you must roll back to the earlier versions of the system.

Anyway we will write this down as a suggestion for future releases

Kind Regards


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