Sorry for handling this issue by re-posting, but as it is a rather old post, I am now reposting the matter:
The issue here is, that even though I use the suggested approach, my global:loop does not show in DwTemplateTags, nor does it render inside the content module, where the global tags are needed.
This could be a bug or it could be that the appoeach is either insufficient or entirely wrong. Please help out if you can.
My code:
public class NotificationOnGlobalTagsFooterBrands : NotificationSubscriber { public override void OnNotify(string notification, Dynamicweb.Extensibility.NotificationArgs args) { Dynamicweb.Notifications.Standard.Page.PageviewNotificationArgs a = (Dynamicweb.Notifications.Standard.Page.PageviewNotificationArgs)args; MrBrand BrandClass = new MrBrand(); List<MrBrand> Brands = BrandClass.GetBrands(); a.Template.SetTag("Global:NIQ:Test", "Global test"); if (a.Template.LoopExists("Global:NIQ:Brandsloop")) { Dynamicweb.Templatev2.Template BrandsLoop = a.Template.GetLoop("Global:NIQ:BrandsLoop"); foreach (MrBrand b in Brands) { BrandsLoop.SetTag("Global:NIQ:BrandsLoop.Brand", b.Brand); BrandsLoop.SetTag("Global:NIQ:BrandsLoop.Description", b.Description); BrandsLoop.SetTag("Global:NIQ:BrandsLoop.Sort", b.Sort); BrandsLoop.SetTag("Global:NIQ:BrandsLoop.Classification", b.Classification); BrandsLoop.SetTag("Global:NIQ:BrandsLoop.ShowInFooter", b.Showinfooter); BrandsLoop.SetTag("Global:NIQ:BrandsLoop.Logolink", b.Logolink); BrandsLoop.CommitLoop(); } } } }